未來照明與飛利浦聯合贊助 GoHome 室內設計大獎 2015

2015 / 05 / 20

未來照明與飛利浦聯合贊助 GoHome 室內設計大獎 2015, 在此特別恭賀活建築設計有限公司Edward Lau 獲得最佳家具燈光設計大獎及最具才華設計師大獎。
Future Lighting & Philips are proud sponsors of the GoHome Interior Design Awards 2015. Special congratulations goes to Edward Lau of ED Design Ltd. who received the Best Home Lighting Design Award proudly & jointly sponsored by Future Lighting & Philips. Ed is also the well-deserved winner of the Most Talented Designer Award.

Congratulations to all winners: